Water Fuel Technology For Cars -
Convert Your Car to Run on Water
Can Water
Really Power a Car?
The answer is
Gasoline prices have been shooting through the roof with depleting fuel reserves and geopolitical conflicts in the Middle East. There doesn't seem to be any solution to the problem as long as our cars are still dependent on fossil fuel. A lot of people are very skeptical about using water as fuel for cars. Well with all the popularity of alternative fuel sources and rising gas prices all over the world, it seems that water has been a big subject. Can you run a car on water? Maybe not in its liquid state, but converting it over to a gas HHO also known as brown's gas or hydrogen oxygen gas through the use of electrolysis it is said to help increase performance and miles per gallon mpg. You can’t run totally on it, it's just a supplement to gas or diesel. It has also received many positive results from both gasoline and diesel users alike.
Video Below of the H2O Power Car
Frequently Asked
Q: Does it really work ?A: Yes; this is well-established technology dating back to stainless steel. But be sure to follow these instructions using the proper mechanical and electrical assembly techniques, as this plan incorporates the best qualities of several techniques.
Q: How does it qualify as "free energy"? A: If you're paying someone for the water you use, then it is not strictly free. But the alternative is to keep buying into expen$ive ga$oline and its resultant hydrocarbon pollution.
Q: Is it safe?A: Technically, it is safer than running on fossil fuel because you are no longer choking on your own emissions (health-wise). In general, it is practically as safe as your current gasoline arrangement. You will be installing a few simple safety devices, using current automotive standards.
Q: What kind of performance can I expect?A: Properly adjusted, your modified vapor-only fuel system will run cooler, and at a modestly higher power level. The mileage performance expected from this design ranges from 50-300 mpg (of water), depending on your adjusting skills.
Q: What is the environmental impact that my vehicle will have?A: It will be producing H20 steam (water vapor) and unburnt O2 (Oxygen). Hence, it will be cleaning the environment, rather than dumping nauseous toxins into it. Plus you will be helping to save our dwindling supply of atmospheric oxygen. Any excess vapor in the reaction becomes either steam or oxygen. You can also expect to be receiving more than casual interest from those around you.
When you think about it, the odds are really stacked in your favor. When you put the HHO-Converter system into place, it will be pretty hard for you not to see some amazing results. There is just way too much evidence that backs it up. What's awesome about this amazing conversion is that it can work on any car, VAN, SUV, truck and motorized vehicle. And it already works for people in US, UK, Canada, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa....
Full Conversion Guide
Get the complete illustrated guide to build your own HHO Converter and installing it to your car. You will see the exact name of the components and where to get them. The total cost for this major upgrade on your car is under $100. And you can use it for as many cars as you want.
$27 (For a limited time only)
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P.S. Just so you know, there's nothing "magical" about HHO-Converter System even though it may seem like it. Sure, it could be responsible for increasing your fuel economy up to 50% and it could show you how to make your own fuel for .75 cents per gallon. And while that may seem amazing, you should consider this: You are not going to save a dime on fuel if you sit there and do nothing. The oil companies have bet billions that you won't. Don't hold your breath waiting for someone else to solve your personal fuel economy problems ...its up to you to get going.
If you follow all the steps I give you and we still can't make it work, I will refund 100% of your payment!
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